National Winner
Our farm is located in a broadleaf forest environment within the Dipilto mountain range, Jalapa and with a conservation area of 45 mz of forest where we find different species of flora and fauna ranging from deer, mountain pig, howler monkeys and White face, coatis, squirrels, armadillos and other species that we conserve in the surroundings of the farm, it also serves as a corridor for migratory birds such as the Quetzal.
Among the activities to preserve the quality of our coffee, we carry out all the tasks Cultural that the crop deserves, such as four edaphic fertilizations during the cycle, integrated pest and disease management and other activities such as shade management and manual weed control.
Regarding the traceability in the quality of the coffee, we can describe that it goes from the selection in cut only of fully mature grain to its subsequent pulping, carrying out the process of Follow-up process in the fermentation of the for its subsequent washing where it then goes to wooden boxes to choose the parchment coffee before its transfer to the dry mill, during this process we have a time of 24 hours from when it leaves the washing channel until the Dry benefit and at certain times the time is 5 to 7 hours which guarantees that coffee does not suffer any physical damage.
A very important aspect to consider is the communication that we maintain with the dry mill staff and especially with the Tasting area from which I request information on each batch that is entering and has been tasted, this allows correcting any mishandling that is has found a batch, we mention that the batches are prepared by cutting day and likewise they are delivered to the dry mill for handling, this has allowed us to maintain the quality of our coffee