Cup of Excellence
The farm is located in the city of Loja, Ecuador.
It is located at 2100 m.s.n.m. It mainly produces coffee, but its plantation is combined with several plant species.
In itself, coffee production is based on an agrosilvopastoral system that it combines species of flora and fauna. Only virgin water is used it comes from the surrounding
mountains. Everything that is discarded from processes is returned to the earth to close the cycle of sustainability.
Gonzalo and Susana, married for 65 years, decide in their old age to plant coffee on their farm in 2010.
They dedicate all their love to this project and soon they begin to gain prestige through the coffee growers in the area. The farm also becomes a tourist attraction due to its beauty.
In 2018 Pablo, his grandson, having worked for several years in coffee companies, became involved in this project.
By joining forces we have managed to enter the specialty coffee market
Nowadays, the EL AGUACATE farm produces high-end coffees that are exported to various countries in the world.