Sítio São Sebastião’s story begins in 2005 when it was inherited from the producer’s father. Young producer Merce Jordan, 31, is a third-generation coffee farmer did not have to think twice, and used the inherited farm to grow coffee, a love in his DNA. Together with his father, mother and sister, he began this new story, and soon after his wife joined, and together with a team of worker friends, they transformed it into a family venture, which helps them proceed. Thankfully, this has brought results, and with great dedication they have managed to achieve countless awards, with emphasis on five consecutive years among the winners of the Cup of Excellence, which fills them with pride.
Everyone has their assigned roles; the women take care of marketing controlling quality by orienting the pickers, and the finances, and the men take care of maintaining the vigor of the farm.
Coffee processing system:
The coffee was selectively picked, with all the love and care possible. Drying was done in the natural method, with the heat of the sun.
Concern about quality:
The beans were selected directly from the fields and floaters were removed on the same day. The coffee cherries were spread on the patio and any unripe cherries were removed. The coffee was raked hourly. When the drying was finished, it was warehoused for around 40 days before processing.
Farm Information
Farm NameSítio São Sebastião
FarmerMerce Jordan Araújo Silva
Lot Information
Processing SystemNatural
VarietyCatuaí 144