The Andrade family’s story of production of and love for coffee begins in 1901 with their ancestors’ arrival in Carmo do Paranaíba, in the Cerrado Mineiro region of the state of Minas Gerais. During the 1970s, the Andrade brothers, the third generation of the family, reestablished their coffee farms in the region. Fazenda São Bento is at 1100 meters of elevation in the rural zone of Carmo do Paranaíba. It has well-defined seasons, an elevation of 1100 meters, and balanced rainfall and temperature. Nature does its work, and the brothers learned from their ancestors that the least they could do to repay the universe was to respect the environment, so they are always concerned about preserving nature.
The farm is run by brothers Ismael and Eduardo Andrade, together with Rômulo Andrade, Ismael’s son, a fourth-generation producer in the Andrade family.
Ismael, CEO of Andrade Bros, graduated in mechanical engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. With vast experience in the production and commercialization of specialty coffees, his focus has always been on producing differentiated coffees of extremely high quality. Corroborating this concern for quality and with Brazilian coffees, Ismael is one of the founding members of BSCA (Brazil Specialty Coffee Association).
Eduardo, founding partner of Andrade Bros, is a doctor trained at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais. Eduardo focuses on managing human resources, team training and development of post-harvest processing techniques to increase the quality of the coffees.
Rômulo, 28, is a production engineer with a degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais and has much experience in process optimization, which he acquired as a consultant at Accenture. He is responsible for the farms’ operations, including process management and optimization of specialty coffee production, focusing on producing greater volumes of very high-quality coffees consistently and sustainably.
The Andrade family’s consistent, high-quality work can be verified by its awards and international relevance. Specifically in the Cup of Excellence. Since 2016, the family has had 7 winning lots, including the champion lot in 2018.
Coffee processing system
Processing is natural. The coffee is picked at the perfect stage of maturation, with a maximum of 10% green coffee cherries. After harvesting, the coffee passes through the washer where floaters are separated from the ripe and unripe fruits by density. After this first separation, the ripe and green cherries pass through an electronic sorter, which selects only the ripe coffee cherries. These ripe fruits were then used in the anaerobic fermentation process, in which the coffee was fermented for a period of 120 hours in a stainless steel bioreactor, without the presence of oxygen. After this, the coffee dried on African beds in a greenhouse, spread in 5 cm think layers, providing slower drying, making a higher-quality and more uniform coffee possible.
Concern about quality
The farm is extremely concerned about quality. The producers carefully watch over every detail of production, until its final destination, the perfect cup. Care begins with production, harvest, post-harvest, warehousing and excessive quality control, where the sensory profile and traceability of each plot of the farm is analyzed. This is fundamental and has direct impact on the quality of the product, providing consumers with a high-quality, consistent product. The Andrade family always seeks to improve the quality of their coffees, frequently investing and seeking scientific knowledge to perfect their production processes.
Rainforest | Coode: IMA-G-008702 | Valid until: 08/01/2024
Farm Information
Farm NameSão Bento - Andrade Bros
FarmerRomulo Xavier Carneiro Furtado Andrade
Lot Information
Processing SystemNatural
VarietyYellow Catuaí 62