The Los Chuchos farm is 3 years old and is located in the locality of Tlaixco, in the municipality of Zongolica, in the High Mountains region of the State of Veracruz.
On a two-hectare plot of land with an average altitude of 1200 meters above sea level, Jesús Alfredo Meza García, his family, and his team have worked hard to maintain the biodiversity of the flora, with a great variety of native trees providing shade to their coffee plants. They have also incorporated other trees like xochicuahuitl and mahogany.
This 2024 harvest was selectively picked in February, followed by cherry sorting, flotation, pulping, and drying.
Although they do not yet have organic certification, they strive to avoid using chemical products on the farm. Everything is nourished with organic products made exclusively on the land, producing different types of bioles based on fruits, manure from various animals, and some plants that also provide different nutrients. The goal of Finca Los Chuchos is to be 100% self-sustaining, to promote organic, chemical-free agriculture, and to coexist with the great variety of flora and fauna in this privileged geographical area.
Farm Information
Farm NameLos Chuchos
FarmerJesus Alfredo Meza García
Lot Information
Processing SystemHoney