My name is Leticia Milagros Gonzalez Morazan, Los Suyates farm is located 6 kilometers from Dipilto Viejo, with an extension of 123 manzanas, of which 50 are coffee. It has an altitude between 1440 and 1700 feet above sea level. This year the Parainema variety was awarded 2nd place in the Nicaragua 2024 Cup of Excellence Contest. This lot is made up of 4 manzanas and has had a good harvest for 3 years.
The management is under shade covered with Guaba trees, liquidambar and other species. Always protecting the flora and fauna of our farm. We have been participating in the Cup of Excellence contest for 5 years and in the year 2022 we won the 1st place, being our coffee recognized throughout Nicaragua and the international market.
Inspired and very happy, we have beaten many coffees of other qualities, we never expected a lot of this variety to be in 2nd place and with that score of 89.85, it fills us with great satisfaction and that the work that has been done has given us many fruits, it should be noted that it is a lot that has been given a lot of management and attention.
We share this award with our family and collaborators, thanks to them we have obtained very good results. We hope that the buyers taste the quality of the coffee and that they give it a good value.
Farm Information
Farm NameLos Suyates
FarmerLeticia Milagros Gonzalez Morazan
Lot Information
Processing SystemNatural
OverallClean, Dried Fruits, Overall Impactfull flavors, Whiskey
Aroma / FlavorBlueberry, Chocolate, Citrus, Molasses, Black Cherry, Apricot, Rum, Black Tea, Anise, Dark Chocolate, Strawberry, Cranberry, Red Apple, Whiskey, Cinnamon
AcidityAcetic Acid, Apples, Balanced, Bright, Citric Acid, Elegant, Lime