The farm El Pezote was named after the little animal called "pezote" or "mishasho" that was in the farm and because at the beginning we thought of producing coffee from pezote, but it did not materialize because it was an animal protected by the environment.
This lot took my interest for the cultivation of "specialty coffees". It was PACAMARA coffee that I had in mind, it took time and hard work to make the farm a reality. Along the way there were several problems that were being fixed, such as its accessibility that will require fixing the road that in the rainy season tends to be inaccessible, the hiring of people to work on the farm that year after year becomes more difficult and others more; but the evaluation of its height and the microclimate of the farm merited it.
El Pezote Farm is located in the area of La Palma, Chalatenango, at 1850 meters above sea level and has an ideal microclimate for "specialty coffees". The altitude and the cold and cloudy climate of the area make the harvest of this coffee to be of late ripening. The harvest requires three cuts in total, thus assuring a harvest of bull's blood red grape coffee beans. Our company assures the employment of local people. Six people are required for farm maintenance and twelve for harvest time: trained and specialized personnel for this small farm of 4 hectares.
For " El Pezote Farm" it was possible to process it in the stand, with a small pulper, and to process it in African beds on the farm. Note that the drying was slow and laborious because it was very cloudy in the area. A slower drying process was planned for this coffee, guaranteeing more sophisticated flavors, without neglecting the sudden rains in the area. In this way it was planned to maintain a standardized cutting, processing and drying process, assuring a coffee of uniform quality, leaving nothing to chance and thus differentiating it from the "generic coffees". It was quite a challenge because we did not use what was traditionally known about coffee before. It was the exploration and gathering of information and the experience of my father and other coffee growers that led me to the cultivation of "specialty coffees". It has not been easy, but the perseverance of the people in the field and hard work have pushed me this far and for this reason I am confident that my coffee will be classified in a good position. It is not mere confidence but security backed by hard work and patience in all its benefits.
My farm "El Pezote" already has international recognition thanks to the Cup of Excellence 2023 event, which already makes it widely known and I hope that it will be auctioned at a good price considering the efforts to develop an experimental anaerobic fermented coffee, a process that has been developed with trial and error, several improvements in the process and many observations.
Farm Information
Farm NameEl Pezote
FarmerHugo Alfonso Pineda Rodriguez
Lot Information
Processing SystemWashed / Anaerobic
OverallSilky, creamy, complex, exotic, chocolate, caramel, balanced, rich flavor, dynamic, herbal, floral, jasmine
Aroma / Flavorsmooth, buttery, silky, tropical fruit, vanilla, whiskey, honey, brown sugar, citrus, cinnamon, peach, mango, floral, dark chocolate, wine, tart, tangy, round, pineapple, malic, lactic, nutmeg
AcidityCitric, bright, crisp, tartaric, lemon, cacao, grapefruit, tomato, lingering.