Finca Pie San, classified for the second consecutive year in twelfth place at the Cup of Excellence international auction, is located in San Francisco de León Cortés; at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level, acquired by our family in 2012. Due to its high altitude and its micro climate make it special for the cultivation of exotic varieties among which we will find: Catuaí; Caturra, Geisha, Rume Sudan; yellow Typica Mejorada. We experience different processes: washed, honey and anaerobic. This honey process coffee is the one that showed the best results in cup quality, this one in particular is a geisha variety harvested in the month of February, it is cultivated and processed with a lot of passion in order to obtain the best quality to offer our customers, we feel very proud to be part of those who with their work represent Costa Rican coffee.
Farm Information
Farm NamePie San
FarmerOscar Adolfo Monge Ureña.
Lot Information
Processing SystemHoney
OverallComplex , Fruity , Balanced cup of juiciness, Black Cherries, Exotic
Aroma / FlavorPeach , Red Apple , Strawberry , Tropical Fruit, Apricot, Blueberry, Brown Sugar, Cherry, Citrus, Floral tea, Grapefruit, Lychee, Pineapple
AcidityCitric acidity , Malic acidity, Bright, Complex, Lively, Uplifting