Roberto Mata Naranjo
Historical Review of Finca Las Nubes.
Family estate of the Mata Montero-Roberto Mata Family.
Purchased in 1998
Area 6 Hectares, total planted with Geisha 1 ha.
Altitude: 1650m to 1950m
Coffee produced In Vitro with the Zomatic Embryogenesis technique.
Planting age: 7 years.
Somatic embryogenesis is an in vitro tissue reproduction system where it is possible to get new plants from tissues and not from seeds, this with the idea of achieving genetics quite similar or equal to the mother plant, which was selected as a good, healthy producer. and that provides an excellent cup.
Our family has been involved in coffee production since the 1950s, starting with my great-grandparents who emigrated from the Central Valley in search of land to cultivate.
Finca Las Nubes was acquired by the Mata Montero family in 1995, seeking the ideal altitudes for producing specialty coffee. The farm is located between 1700 and 1900 meters above sea level, featuring rich organic soils, good drainage, and natural conditions enhanced by the nearby Los Santos Forest Reserve.
Today, our family consists of 20 direct members dedicated to both coffee and other activities. We all live in the Tarrazú region, where we are originally from.
Our company, M & M Pura Vida Coffee Processing Company, was founded in 2017 with the aim of applying the knowledge in production, processing, and marketing passed down from our ancestors. Our goal is to produce high-quality coffee to satisfy and captivate the most discerning tastes.
Roberto Mata
cell (506) 88272064
Phone (506) 25464409
Skype roberto4524
Instagram rmatanaranj_09
Email [email protected]
Farm Information
Farm NameLas Nubes
FarmerRoberto Mata Naranjo
Lot Information
Processing SystemNatural
OverallCaramel, Brawn sugar, Dark Chocolate, Honey, Jasmine, Lemon, Pear, Popcorn,
Aroma / FlavorBrown Sugar, Milk Chocolate, Molasses
AcidityBlack Tea, Bright, Cacao Nibs, Citric Acid, Dark Chocolate, Green Apple, Honey melon, Malic Acid, Stone Fruit