Winning Bidder's
honu加藤珈琲店株式会社 – Japan
Evin Joel Moreno is a quiet and gentle producer who lives in Las Vegas, Santa Bárbara. His farm “La Montañita” (Little Mountain – in english ) is a beautiful place with an incradible weather. Coming from a family dedicated to coffee farming, he says: “Coffee means everything to me! It is an inclusive activity in many aspects and allows all members of the family to participate at any stage of preparing the nursery, harvesting, milling or drying processes. For me is very important my children get involved because they will know how important is for our entire family and be responsable with the environment that nowadays need to be even more cared about. As his father was recognized as an excellent producer, Evin is following his steps in order to make himself a known quality coffee producer who has been constantly participating at COE. As he walked to receive his recognition to be included at electronic auction he manifested is great joy for all his hard work along with his wife and children. His effort allow him to give a better quality of life to his beloved family. Evin is also greatful with IHCAFE support since his technicians accompany him througout the preparation of his coffee.