This farm is part of the Don Mayo family which have participated in COE since 2008, and have been winner in different occasions, and 13 times on the Top Ten. In 2008 we got the third place, in 2009 and 2020 the first place, 2016 and 2018 presidential awards. This shows our commitment and consistency to quality. Los Tucanes farm is one of the newer farms, been this the fourth year as a COE winner. This year we did a washed process to a geisha variety planted at 1850 m.a.s.l.
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Farm Information
Farm NameDon Mayo Los Tucanes
FarmerLuis Pablo Bonilla Solis
Lot Information
Processing SystemWashed
OverallClean and complex, Cranberries, Rounded, Smooth, Sweet and clear, Well balanced
Aroma / FlavorPeach , Berry , Black Cherry , Black Tea , Caramel , Grapefruit , Mango , Melon , Orange , Prune , Strawberry , Tropical Fruit , Apricot, Candy, Chamomile, Citrus Fruit, Cocoa, Nectarine, Pink grapefruit, Red Grapes
AcidityCitric acidityity, Crisp, Delicate, Grapes, Lactic acidity, Tartaric