Las Etíopes is a farm owned and managed by Simon Brown and his family in the mountains of Jaén in the village of El Porvenir. Las Etíopes is a 8ha plot of land, of which 1ha is planted with Ethiopian Heirlooms and Geisha and 1ha is planted with traditional varieties such as Borbón, Caturra and Catimor. Simon bought the land in 2019 having spent a number of harvest seasons in Jaén and having seen the potential of the coffee in the area, he decided to start his own farm and plant new and exotic varieties. As a coffee buyer Simon travelled to most of the coffee producing countries around the world, but firmly believes that Peru has untapped potential for specialty coffee beyond that of any other coffee origin. With this project Simon intends to combine the incredible microclimate in the farm with a diverse range of high quality varieties.
The farm elevation starts at 1800masl and goes up to 2050masl, the top soil is dark and rich in organic matter and the subsoil is rich in clay and a deep reddish orange colour. The coffee is planted on terraces, incorporating pre-hispanic agricultural practises to prevent soil erosion and make the steep terrain more workable. As it is one of very few farms in the village Las Etíopes is surrounded by primary forest and many wild animals pass through the farm, looking for food. The farm has its own water source, with a stream which runs the length of the farm which provides water for the two surrounding villages.
Only ripe cherries were selected before they were rinsed and floated in the traditional manner. This lot was then pulped directly and fermented for 5 days in sealed barrels. Once fully fermented and smelling aromatic the coffee was washed and placed on drying beds where it dried in the sun for 15 to 20 days.
Farm Information
Lot Information
Processing SystemWASHED
Overallwell rounded, floral notes
Aroma / FlavorOrange marmalade, black fruit, grapes, candy apple, overwhelming brown sugar
AcidityCitric acidity