The “La Bola” farm is a productive unit that continues to be managed by the Bermeo Córdova family in honor of Fredy Bermeo Guevara. In this opportunity the lot is presented to this competition of said productive unit has an area of 5.00 ha. of which 2 ha. of Geisha with 3.5 years with an organic production system based on decomposed pulp and external inputs such as guano from the island and Potassium sulfate of organic origin, phosphate rock and microelements of certified product, as an organic product this fertilization is carried out 3 times a year . It also has the "Shimir" plot, which has the Bourbon and Caturra varieties. With an approximate harvest of 14.00 qq/ha, Management of a production system under shade, with species such as guava and some forest species such as pine, laurel and eucalyptus in the contour, the weeding tasks are carried out manually and with the help of a machete.
Farm Information
Farm NameLA BOLA
Lot Information
Processing SystemWASHED
OverallComplex, long aftertaste, well structured, harmonius balance between all attributes, silky body
Aroma / FlavorFloral, apricot, mango, mandarin, floral, cantelope, citrus, peach, toffee, jazmin, lychee
Aciditymalic acidity, sparkling