Cup of Excellence
Finca Liquidambar, is located in the community of acacias, Marcala la paz.
The producer Ma Nery Marquez Granados, together with her husband, cultivated the first coffee trees in 1980 on land that they inherited, parents of 8 children, since the death of her husband, Ma Nery and her children were involved in the task to maintain the farm and the quality of the coffee. Some families collaborate with them in the maintenance of the farm such as tree trimming, fertilization and harvesting.
The families that carry out these activities within the farm make it special because they have the same dedication and passion, thanks to that passion and hard work they have made their children obtain their dream university degrees. See them all finishing their studies.
They produce the Bourbon variety, currently 45 people work during harvest season, and 6 people permanently.
They implement various natural resources conservation practices, such as protection of the flora and fauna, protection of water sources and proper management of coffee processing wastewater and pulp among others.
The cup of excellence program brings them satisfaction and great joy for the work we have done to prepare good quality coffee