Cup of Excellence
The Farm was purchased in 2017 after being in neglect for about 10 years. Due to environmental conditions, soil, location and topography, interest was aroused to acquire the land and start a new farm considering the new demands of the current market and the experience in the management of coffee plantations in Huehuetenango.
As the name implies, the Union seeks to combine technical expertise with the new trends in which the production unit is sought to differentiate. Finca la Union belongs to a third generation of Coffee growers from Huehuetenango who saw the potential in the field and decided to carry out a complete renovation of the area and sow the lots separating varieties and agronomic management.
(It has a weather station which can be observed online
Currently has 22 varieties planted being the main: Pacamara, Geisha, Anacafe 14, Catuai, Villa Sarchi, Topazio, H1, Parainema, Catucai, Bourbon, Typica covering an area of 17 hectares. In addition to having a plot of variety validations with World Coffee Reaserch and Hanss R. Neumann Stiftung.
The first harvest was in 2019 but only some varieties were producing in the harvest 19-20 a bigger and most representative harvest happened. The Pacamara variety is representing la Union in the prestigious Cup of Exellence this variety is planted at the top of the farm. A completely new wet mill was built with the technical assistant from Anacafe in which different processes can be performed such as washed coffees with controlledfermentation, double fermentations and is sought to continue innovating from the field to the wet benefit.