Winning Bidder's
Coffee Libre – South Korea
His farm “El Zapote”, is located within the mountainrange were he lives at Masaguara, Intibuca. Wilmer express that his mission is: “To continue producing coffee of excellence, until I am able to build a permanent commercial relationship with a coffee buyer that will help place the name of my community and country in a high position”. I began to cultivate coffee as many of my countrymen, inheriting the land from our parents. Eventhough there are many difficulties to grow coffee related to labor shortage for harvesting the coffee or high prices for farming supplies I have worked hard to obtain high quality coffee. I think there are many things that allowed – for the third time – to be part of the electronic auction: farming practices I have implemented, regulation of shade, the excellent microclimate, the altitude of my farm as well as the meticulous milling and storage process. In the other hand, I also care for the flora and fauna of my propertie, I consider myself a good producer of quality coffee.