Cup of Excellence
BrujuFinca was born in 2015, a small farm in Pluma Hidalgo, a historic coffee region with Denomination of Origin. Most of the coffee farms in this region were abandoned during a long series of crises that began 30 years ago: predatory low coffee prices, the collapse of the peso coin in 1994, the massive deforestation of Hurricane Paulina in 1997 and the arrival of the coffee rust in 2014. We believe that growing high-quality specialty coffees is the only way to overcome these crises in our region. Our main goals are the sustainable production of high quality traditional coffee varieties that protect the Oaxacan cloud forest and the creation of meaningful job opportunities that respect local customs and traditions. We only grow coffees from traditional varieties known for their unique and outstanding cup quality, especially our flagship variety Pluma Hidalgo, a natural mutation of variety Typica and the only coffee variety in Mexico with Denomination of Origin status, other notable varieties we grow include Gesha T2722, Pacamara, Black Bourbon, Tekisic, Java, and Maragogype. Our production philosophy is based on three (3) fundamental principles: • Regenerative agriculture: applying technical knowledge that regenerates living soils, conserves water, prevents erosion, respects natural resources and keeps the ecosystem in balance. • Economic sustainability: creation of decent and inclusive jobs that strengthen the local economy, create community and reduce migration and abandonment of the countryside. • Ecological Conservation: protect and strengthen cloud forest habitat and the enormous biodiversity it protects. The farm has shade from trees such asCuil (Inga jinicuil), Pink Cedar, Guitarron, Grevillea,Zompantle (Erythrina coralloides), Guarumbo (Cecropia peltata), Chamizo (Adenostoma fasciculatum), creole Avocado, fig. We do selective picking of coffee beans, selecting only cherries in optimal state of maturity. We experiment with cutting-edge processes in bioreactors under a meticulous control and registration of variants such as Temperature, pH and Brix degrees. We dry on elevated shaded screens for more than 25 days. We store in a storage warehouse free of polluting odors and on pallets, keeping the coffee in "Grain Pro" bags and Jute Sacks. We do quality evaluations in Brujula Café in Oaxaca and Cafecol in Xalapa, Veracruz.