I am originally from Canton Los Llanitos, San Fernando, Chalatenango. I am 55 years old
7 children in total (6 daughters and 1 son), I currently live with my wife and 4 of my daughters.
My occupation is to be a farmer, I work in farms and also in other crops, such as: Tomato,
ejote, loroco and some fruit trees.
La Arada Coffee Farm is located in Cantón, Los Llanitos, San Fernando, Chalatenango,
This farm started in 1992 and has been active to date, that is to say, 31 years since its foundation.
There are about 8 people working on the farm, including my wife, my children and myself.
This farm has 3 manzanas of pacaramara, 3.5 manzanas of borbón and 3.5 manzanas of
paquita, making a total of 10 manzanas, giving it the name of La Arada because it
refers to that name, since it is a flat place.
In this farm we also have different fruit trees such as: orange, pepeto,
guamo, jocote corona, nances, guineos, lemons, paternas, zapotes, mangos, mandarins.
These trees contribute to the good functioning of the farm, since they provide shade to the coffee.
Farm Information
Altitude1500 MASL
Lot Information
Processing SystemHONEY
Overallclear, juicy, molasses, sugar cane, honey, crisp, creamy, silky, smooth, buttery, velvety, dark chocolate, caramel, wine, panela, apricot, fruit, citrus fruit, Brown sugar, cranberry , pear, apple, green grape, chamomilecitrus, floral, spice, vanilla, strowberry, papaya, mango, blacktea, milk chocolate, red apple, roasted almond, pineapple, lichi, berries, harmonious, Citrus, Butter, Panallafloral, cinnamon, chocolate, Dried fruit