Cup of Excellence
Café Pacas has been working Finca La Esperanza since November 2010. This is a
big, beautiful farm, that produces
exceptional quality coffee. Finca La
Esperanza is located in Cantón El Porvenir, Municipio de Chalchuapa, Santa Ana. The
farm begins at 1,000 masl and goes all the
way up to 1,750 masl. Because of the
shape of the farm and its drastic change in
elevation, it is crucial to have a well
- maintained road system.
Since 2012, this farm has been in a
process of being totally renovated. The
original trees were very old, making their
root system inefficient and weak, so we
had to make the decision to renovate
completely. For this renovation project, we decided to
-design the farm and organize it as a big
varietal garden. The farm is divided into
18 different lots. We have decided to plant
different varietals of coffee in each of
them. As of now, we have re planted 70%
of the total farm area using the following
varietals: Pacas, Red Bourbon, Pacamara,
Orange Bourbon, Kenya, Bernardina,
Heirloom and Mokka varietals.
Because of its location (North West
region), Finca la Esperanza has a
wonderful climate and it is not affected by
Cup of Excellence