In the municipality of Coatepec, Veracruz, in an area privileged by the climate, fauna and richness of the soil, is the traditional coffee growing community of Pacho Viejo, where the great majority of its inhabitants over 50 years old, have tilled the land as their past generations taught them; this is where Margarito Torres Vasquez was born, grew up and made his family, who 35 years ago took the brave decision to acquire some land in the productive zone of the community, starting at an altitude of 1,200 to 1,270 m. a.s.l., Since then, Don Margarito has dedicated with passion, arduous hours of work, passion that he inherited from his father, who all his life worked as a farmer and in charge of the care of the coffee plantations of the great producers of the zone in those times; Don Margarito being very small always accompanied his father to the field, where between games and talk, his father was preparing him and teaching him the techniques and handling that the coffee plants need. Don Margarito has been a hard worker and with courage he acquired his land to dedicate himself to be a coffee producer at a time when he had a fixed job, so the only hours he had to work in the fields were in the early morning, just before the sun rose or even after finishing his official work day.
He currently dedicates himself full time to the work in the fields on his farm and to the management of some coffee plantations owned by his wife, where he applies the same techniques.
The varieties Marseillaise and Garnica are the ones that he cultivates and cares for with great care, employing only the labor of neighbors in the community for the harvest work, which is meticulously carried out assuring only the harvesting of 100% ripe fruits. It should be noted that since his beginnings as a coffee producer, he has never applied chemical products for weed control and has used the organic material provided by his own fruit and shade trees, as he learned from his father. In the wet mill facilities of Tueste Café, we receive the fruits harvested by Don Margarito and we carry out the following process:
Process: Honey
The process was done by tueste cafe. Flotation is made with the cherry received to separate those fruits of low density or incomplete maturation, to later initiate a treatment of anaerobic fermentation in cherry for 78 hours, pulped in a module UDC-7,500 Bourbon Penagos brand, to ensure the best quality of pulping possible, all the pulped coffee is placed on African beds in a drying tunnel type greenhouse, where it rested for 68 hours approximately, making movements every 4 hours during the day, The objective was to decrease the humidity of the mucilage to the point that it was possible to continue the drying process in rotary dryers of the Guardiolas type, where the coffee remained for 270 hours, 5 days approximately, at room temperature, with rotary movement and intermittent air flow during the day, When the coffee was removed from the dryer, it rested for 6 more hours in a wooden container so that the heat and humidity would homogenize correctly before being packaged in GrainPro bags and jute sacks.
Farm Information
Farm Size3
Lot Information
Processing SystemHoney
VarietyGarnica, Marsellesa
OverallMild, Sweet
Aroma / FlavorBrown Sugar, Honey, Peach, Floral, Red Apple, Almendra, Almond, Apricot, Bakers Chocolate, Brown Spice, Caramelized, Cedar, Cherry, , Grapefruit, Hierba, Jam, Jasmine, Lemon & Lime, Lemonade
AcidityCitric Acid, Bright, Berry, Lemon, Lemon peel, Malic Acid, Mallic, Sweet citrus