Miguel Angel Tabora Mears is the owner of Pacayalito Farm, located at 1300 m.a.s.l., in Aldea Pacayalito, Los Naranjos, San Jose de Colinas. He became coffee producer as he was looking for a nice place for his retirement and by matter of good luck he found this farm. Decided to make it produce good quality coffee, Miguel bought the farm and started doing his coffee processes. He cultivates varieties such as Catuaí, Catimor and IHCAFE 90, Curious about specialty coffee he decided to acquire Pacamara variety. Currently he provides work - permanently - from 7 to 8 people and during the harvest season from 23 to 25 people. Miguel performs good practices such as shade regulations to improve ventilation and sunlight in the coffee; proper management of coffee plantation; processing of wastewater and treatment of pulp with bacteria to be able to use it also as organic fertilizer. He considers this is a way to lower the impact on the environment. Additionally, there is also floating process during coffee washing to remove foreign matter from the coffee that remains afloat and keep the best product that is below the washing canal. It has been his second time participating in the Cup of Excellence program and it is a great joy and excitement since this program helps to reach better prices and it is an opportunity to become known for quality of coffee.
Farm Information
Farm NamePacayalito
FarmerMiguel Angel Tabora Mears
Lot Information
Processing SystemHoney
OverallBitter end, Delicate, Juicy, Mild, Overall Sweet, Some dryiness at the end, W c d become dry
Aroma / FlavorBrown Sugar , Brown Spice , Cinnamon , Citrus , Honey , Molasses , Red Grape , 89, Amargo, Apple, Apricot, Baggy, Bell pepper, Black Cherry, Black Tea, Caramel, Cedar, Celary, Cocoa, Complex, Creamy avocado, Dry mango, Fruity, Grape, Green Apple, Green Pepper, Hazelnut, Honeydew, Lavendar, Leafy Greens, Lemon, Lemon & Lime, Licorice-anise, Low sugar, Malt,
AcidityCitric Acid , Malic Acid , Tartaric