Cup of Excellence
Serafín Escobar, 71 years old, married, father of 10 sons and daughters, I have worked in the coffee industry since I was 12 years old, I am the third generation of coffee growers, I have never had any social assistance program, but I have given employment to at least two people.
History of the farm:
My farm is located in the canton of Coatepeque hill, department of Santa Ana, and is called Los Milagros, and is located at an altitude of 1000 MSNM, in the Apaneca/Ilamatepec mountain range, and it is the first time I participate in the Cup of Excellence contest, and I named the farm Los Milagros, because I had no father and an uncle gave me the land, and later I made the farm because I only worked on the Alvarez farm, doing all kinds of activities on the farm as an employee.
Social media:
Instagram @celiiescobar1