Nowadays coffee is popular not only for not only for upper middle class, but also for the general masses. Coffee is no longer foreign concept to young and old. I am Dilen Ali Gogo and I have studied coffee since I was young. At first I lived in my village at South Sumatera, Lahat district, where other coffee farmers are also there. However I heard from my family who journeyed to Aceh that in central Aceh the coffees are so good. I braved myself and left my village to Aceh and started as a coffee farmer at Pantan musara village, Aceh district. I started a land and cultivated my own coffee seeds. After my coffee farm bore fruits I entered as a member of RIBANG GAYO MUSARA cooperative to widen my access to the coffee industry. Now I can fulfill my daily needs by farming coffee. To become a coffee farmer in Gayo land is my own pride.