"History of the farm
Sítio Mutuca belongs to the Fazenda Serra do Boné group. Since 1988, when Nathan’s father, Carlos Sérgio Sanglard, bought the property in Araponga, MG, it has produced coffee. At the beginning, the property had a small coffee field and a larger area of pastures, where beef and dairy cattle were raised. Over time, the producers noted the region’s potential for coffee and thus substituted pastures for coffee fields.
In 2003, the family participated in the Cup of Excellence for the first time and were champions. This achievement encouraged them to begin working on improving the quality of the coffees produced on the farms. Uniting the region where the farm is located (1000 to 1300 meters) and post-harvest practices used in production, the farm’s coffee stood out in the specialty coffee market. In February 2021, Carlos Sérgio Sanglard passed away, leaving behind a beautiful legacy and teachings which are pillars for the producer’s character and work. Nowadays he, his mother and brothers have the immense responsibility to continue the beautiful specialty coffee story his father started.
Some important awards:
2003 Cup of Excellence 1st place (Fazenda Serra do Boné)
2006 Cup of Excellence 4th place (Fazenda Serra do Boné)
2009 Cup of Excellence 19th place (Fazenda Serra do Boné)
2010 Cup of Excellence 2nd place (Fazenda Serra do Boné)
2014 Cup of Excellence 6th place (Fazenda Criciúma – belongs to the Fazenda Serra do Boné family group)
2020 Cup of Excellence: 16th place (Fazenda Serra do Boné);
2020 Cup of Excellence: 21st place (Fazenda Criciúma – belongs to the Fazenda Serra do Boné family group)
among others.
Currently, all drying is done on African beds, which ensures quality of the beans, independent of rainfall during this period. The producer is increasingly motivated to work with specialty coffees by knowing that his family is involved in the process.
Coffee processing system
Today most of the farm’s coffee is processed in the wet method (pulped natural). All the coffee on the farm is dried on African beds, in which the producers attempt to delay drying as much as possible, without interfering with the workflow, as they have observed that slow drying increases the quality of the beans. This lot is pulped natural, of the Red Catucaí variety, in which the coffee dried together with the husks on the African beds. The drying process lasted 30 days, until reaching the desired humidity.
Concern about quality
To make quality coffee, the producers worry about several aspects, from the fields to the warehouse. They are concerned with cultivation of the crops and always think of how to do everything more efficiently, seeking quality and productivity in their coffee in a way that is not harmful to the environment. While harvesting each plot, the producers are careful to pick the fruits at their peak ripeness. They seek a maximum of care during post-harvest processing, during which all drying is done on African beds as slowly as possible. When the coffee reaches the ideal humidity, they allow it to rest inside the parchment before processing it, as this process improves its quality."
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