History of the farm
Fazenda Rainha dates to 1890. The farm was aquired by Grupo Sertãozinho in 2007, and still had some old fields that have been renovated with more resilient Arabica varieties seeking better quality and environmental protection with less use of pesticides.
Coffee processing system
After hand picking, the coffee was dried under the sun in thin layers that were thickened little by little for the lot to equalize as well as possible. It was processed after resting and went through a screen grader, gravity table and electronic selector.
Concern about quality
Grupo Sertãozinho is concerned not only with producing specialty coffees but also with protecting the environment. It seeks balance between specialty coffees and a healthy environment.
Rainforest Alliance (RA37418 - IBD-F-101616) Valid until 1 September 2022
'+55 (35) 99703-0741 (Nivaldo) / +55 (35) 99811-0099 (José Renato) / [email protected] / [email protected]