History of the Farm
Sítio Serra Azul is located in the city of Carmo de Minas, in the south of Minas Gerais, in the Serra da Mantiqueira region, at an average elevation of 1000 m.a.s.l. The region, with mountainous topography, has a differentiated climate and soil favorable to the production of specialty coffees.
The property began producing coffee 80 years ago (at the old Fazenda Capinzal) and is currently in the fifth generation of coffee production.
The varieties used and the type of plantation management are adopted within modern technology, always seeking quality in the coffee, stressing the use of varieties with differentiated maturation, enabling picking ripe fruits; these are: Yellow Bourbon, Yellow Catucaí, Yellow Catuaí and Arara.
Luiz Flávio is dedicated to cultivating coffee sustainably and preserving the environment, the springs and existing forests, on the farm.
The property is located in the demarcated area that holds the Mantiqueira de Minas Designation of Origin Indication seal, granted by the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (National Industrial Property Institute) – INPI. Designation of Origin is a geographical area where the quality and characteristics of a product come exclusively from the geographical region and human knowhow. (@mantiqueirademinas).
Luiz Flávio is a member of the Vale do Rio Verde Regional Coffee Cooperative – COCARIVE (@cocarive), which warehouses, prepares and commercializes his lots. He is also a member of ASCARIVE, a FAIR TRADE association.
Coffee processing system and concern about quality:
Since beginning production, the property has relied on the guidance of agronomists from COCARICE, who follow all steps of production, from cultivation to post-harvest processing.
The harvest is selective, done by hand over cloths to avoid the bean touching the ground when the fruits are well-ripened. On the same day it is picked, the coffee is taken to the washer which separates the ripe cherries from unripe ones and floaters. Then the coffee is taken to the concrete patio for drying and is raked several times per day until reaching the ideal humidity of 11%. When necessary, a mechanical dryer is used. After drying, the coffee rests in wooden rest boxes for 30 days.
After being hulled, the processed beans are separated into lots and deposited at COCARIVE’s warehouse in Carmo De Minas, where they are graded, cupped and commercialized on both the Brazilian and international markets.
Sítio Serra Azul participates in various coffee quality competitions and has won the following awards:
Illy - 6th place –2011;
EMATER – 2nd place – 2013;
BSCA – Cup of Excellence – Natural Late Harvest – 1st place - 2012
History of the Farm
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